Friday, January 25

  Self Proclaimed Blogger of The Year

So it has now been just under 4 months since the last entry... quite an improvement, if I do say so myself. Possibly even deserving of the "Yay, you blogged!" award, if there is one. Though I must admit that posting while drinking my third glass of wine, might not be the best idea. I am one glass short of the giggle phase.

I am considering changing this blog around a bit. Calling it JavaGirl Knits, just doesn't seem to fit anymore. I still knit, but seriously? I JUST finished a simple, lacey wrap that I started in February. Pictures are sure to follow. Would you really want to hear all about the "progress" I was making when it took me 10 months to knit 60(ish) inches? There were times when even I got sick of thinking about it, let alone knitting it or talking about it. I'm pretty sure there was a period of time when it mocked me from behind the chair in the living room, where it was safely nestled in it's knitting bag. How else would you explain 17 stitches mysteriously falling off the needle and laddering down a few rows while it remained untouched and out of childrens' reach??? So I finally bound it off at 11:59 p.m. on December 31st. I was determined to finish that thing in 2007 and I got it done! Then, on January 1, 2008 I cast this on- my very first sweater! MAYBE that will be done by 200-freaking- 9.

Anyway, this blog may become just JavaGirl or something more interesting than that... my friend and I are actually going to be starting a blog together- we even have a name AND the url registered, but we (*cough, Lisa*) need to get our act together. I've mentioned this chick before- remember Lisa, the girl who does not blog? Well, she's going to! I'm going to keep the details and title a secret for now but stay tuned. I'm SURE I will be back to update again before July.

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