Thursday, January 11


I had a brilliant idea. (If I do say so myself.) I thought that if I blogged about all of my UFO's, including details and pictures, it would inspire me to get moving on them. Yeah. Well, now I'm just scared. There are so many of them! And to think, I've been itching to cast on something new... silly JavaGirl.

Ok, so here is what I am going to do. My next post (in a day or two) will be pictures and details of each unfinished object. From that point, I will work on one at a time until it's complete.... Well, maybe two at a time because I get REALLY bored. Each subsequent blog entry will be of the completed projects.

Until. They. Are. All. Finished.

This is going to be based on the honor system. So, if I find myself casting on something new, I will take away coffee for the day.... or maybe something a little more reasonable.

7:25 AM

uh, ya, good luck with that.
HAHAHA! Take away coffee??? Ya right! Seriously though, maybe you could allow yourself one new project as a reward for finishing two UFOs? Or some kind of reward...maybe more coffee? ;)
I agree with Cindy - yeah, good luck with that!!!
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